Millennium: Saturn Dreaming of Mercury (1999)
Season 3, Episode 16
As Promised, Jordan's Bout with Lucy Butler
10 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
*Warning* Please do not read this until you've seen this Episode - If you haven't seen this yet, stop now, and come back when you've watched it.

In Christian Mythos, the devil coldcocks his victims. he/it will approach in the guise of a friend or even disguised as someone or thing you know. This can be either a person or an idea.

To expound on that, In this year of 2012, it shows up in our politics of the day: in the guise of the radical extremism that the churches are embracing, simply because of that spirit's agreement with their so called "pro life" stances while at the same time promoting the ideas of armed revolutions. The Apostle Paul calls this "Salt Water coming from a Fresh Spring." This episode shows how Jordan is perceptive to the underlying spirits. On the outside, The Black's new neighbors seem like nice people with a nice son who is the same age as Jordan.

But Jordan sees underneath. She sees the Evil, but she can't readily identify it. Is it The Father? Is it The son? The difficulty here is that I cannot talk about this episode without a spoiler, it is impossible.

Because this episode really took me by surprise. At first I thought - Is it the father of the Kid next door, or is it the Kid? Or Both, or is it something we cannot conceive of? Because, as we saw in the last bout between Frank and Butler, he figures out that she cannot corrupt an innocent. But it appears that this very thing has happened in this episode.

Notwithstanding, we must remember Butler's abilities - She/He is not only both Male and Female, but can also take the form of snakes, dogs, and other people. She can transport herself from one place to another, but she is bound by some of the laws of physics. If she is jailed, she must stay in jail until forced to be released. And there is always something that causes doubt about her obvious guilt. We KNOW she has done horrific things, it just cannot be proved - Not legally, but maybe Spiritually.

So it is shown that something evil is in the house next door to The Black's. This evil lures Black into the House where he is literally "coldcocked." While he is in the Basement, he has a Vision that shows the nature of who is his nemesis. And it takes Frank plus Jordan to get free of it's embraces.

This is one truly terrifying episode. We know that Frank's gift - And Jordan's gift as well - Not to be "Psychic" in nature, but instead, "Prophetic" - There is a big difference between The Prophetic and The Psychic.

Lucy Butler threatened Jordan in her last "appearance" and in this episode makes good the threat - As seen at the very end of the Episode, where is it revealed that Jordan's and Franks gifts are indeed Prophetic - They do get glimpses of the future as well as the present - In simple terms, the Gift of Prophecy shows The Truth, whereas to be Psychic does not mean that what is being perceived is true or not.

This episode shows that both Frank and Jordan are prophetic, and this is probably why the MillenniuM Group is so interested in them.

The fate of Lucy Butler is not shown, and I don't recall if she shows up in any other forms before the series ended - Perhaps this would be a good subject on which to base the much-talked about possibility of a Millennium Feature Film.

But as I mentioned earlier, if Butler cannot corrupt an Innocent, then those that appear innocent are not what they appear to be. In fact, they are shown to be hideous. And Jordan is an innocent, which is why Frank cannot get free of this thing without her help.
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