One last case for Thomas and Katrine
7 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After the original series was axed after just one season the characters return for this one last case and it looks like it will be a tough one for all concerned. The story opens with a man walking on to a bus and killing the driver before proceeding to shoot each of the passengers. Most of them are just left where they fell but one, a woman, is arranged by the killer so she is hanging out of the window. When Thomas sees the scene he is immediately reminded of a patient he once treated; a former soldier who and just been released from prison after serving six years for killing a teenaged girl. He is the suspect because the crime scene matched one of several macabre pictures he drew while incarcerated. When further murders that match his pictures take place it is clear that he must be the killer… the police just have to catch him before he can kill again.

This was a fine conclusion to the series; knowing that it was the last ever story increased the tension as the likelihood that the creators might kill off one or more characters crossed my mind quite early on and increased when we learnt of Thomas's prior involvement with their suspect. There were a couple of good twists; the first wasn't the greatest of surprises but the main twist that came at the end really surprised me as it meant much of what the viewer believed they knew was inaccurate. The acting was solid as I've come to expect from this series; especially from leads Laura Bach and Jakob Cedergren who played Katrine and Thomas. There were some particularly gruelling scenes; I had to look away as the killer prepared to dismember one still living victim and the final scenes were some of the tensest yet and made it unlikely that the series will be resurrected.
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