Foyle's War: Fifty Ships (2003)
Season 2, Episode 1
Quite good
5 April 2012
I've given this episode a seven out of ten, which I consider a well-spent night's entertainment, if not great drama. Foyle's son doesn't show up here, but the stolid Foyle does meet an old flame, with predictable results. The first reviewer complained about the American accent attempted by one of the actors. This seems a minor criticism to me, considering that American actors must surely mangle British accents in the same way. It's a British production, made with British actors for a British audience, and I see no need for perfection in foreign accents. I'm far more concerned when I see, whether in books or television, Americans portrayed as characters I don't recognize. One would wonder, based on such portrayals, how Americans manage to tie their shoes in the morning, much less run a modern industrial nation. In this case, the character is a perfectly reasonable one.

Of particular note to me was the pairing as husband and wife of Clive Merrison and Janine Duvitski, both familiar to me in single roles - Merrison in BBC4's series as Sherlock Holmes, and Duvitski as the always-abused assistant to the manager of an old age home in Waiting for God. Now there's an interesting combination.
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