"Cowboy Vs Zombies!?"
28 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A meteor lands in Jamestown California in 1849 during the gold rush. It is found by miners who think it has emeralds inside because of the green glow so they decide to crack it open and what happens is it releases a gas -like spoor which turns the town population into blood thirsty zombies.That's it, plain and simple.

It could have been a great story but this was ultra low budget and basically has no name stars in it. Their was a subplot of a bounty hunter but you really don't care for it especially when the so-called hunter has a whiny voice! Not believable for one minute. The women in this flick just have to act scared and helpless and oh yeah,show their breasts every chance they get! Ha ha!

All in all, it was not bad. In the beginning, you think oh no not another zombie wannabee movie. But as it starts getting to the end it actually gets a little better and by the time it starts to grow on you, it ends rather erupt with a open ending, leaving room for a possible sequel!??

Like I said , had they had a better budget and better actors, this could have been a true classic to the Zombie franchise.But all in all a tad way better than the other so-called zombie flicks I have been seeing lately. A good movie to fun with by having a drinking game related to the anachronisms in it like: (I see breasts ... drink! , I see Zombie bite....Drink!) It's worth at least one viewing but no more than that.
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