Mad Men: A Little Kiss, Part 2 (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
Mad About You-Mad Men ****
26 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent episode.

It appears that women at the advertising are mainly sexual objects will be exploited at every turn.

Notice that the agency consists of guys who are good looking since that in itself will cause the customer to buy. Everyone is quite articulate, sly, cunning, you name it.

Don Draper seems to be the most perfect guy. He can't take to turning age 40 and denounces his new wife for throwing a surprise birthday part for him.

Even the senior partner of the firm, our British gentleman, seems bored with life and is ready to take up with the girl whose wallet he has found. It was funny when her boyfriend showed up and counted the money. Whether it's the 1960s or today, people still have that basic mistrust in them of others. It's a dog eat dog world and the advertising business best exemplifies this.
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