Review of The Grey

The Grey (2011)
How an action-thriller should be done
22 March 2012
I'll start off by stating the obvious : this is not an uplifting movie in any way. It's dark and disturbing, and at times hard to watch. On the outside, it's an action-thriller packed full of realistic creature violence and plenty of suspense. Look deeper, however, and you'll find a chilling meditation on what is worth doing to survive, and just how meaningful life really is.

The story revolves around a man named Ottway (played with brilliance by Liam Neeson). He is a rifleman protecting oil rig workers from wolves when they are drilling in areas of wolf inhabitance. After a plane crash, Ottway and a small group of men end up stranded deep in the freezing cold and lonely heart of wolf country. Through the men's efforts to survive, they learn much about each other and their lives.

The cinematography is beautiful, capturing the cold bare landscape perfectly. The camera-work is eerie and mesmerizing, and the acting is top-notch as well, especially from the always brilliant Neeson. The wolf scenes were wonderfully brutal, and while sometimes unrealistic, they do the job in striking real fear in the viewer. After all, imagine if it was you stuck in the cold surrounded by wolves, with very little in the way of defense. The last thing I will say is the movie's ending was perfect. I can understand why some may be disappointed, but at no point in this movie was I more on edge. The intensity and passion that is packed into the final scene will leave you shaking.

We may only be pushing four months into the year, but this is still the best movie I have seen in 2012. It's a bleak film, but a thrilling and wildly entertaining one. It will leave you thinking about your own life, and putting yourself in the character's shoes. Don't go see this if you don't like movies that stick with you, because this one will be sure to make a home in your brain for a few days.

A classic, man versus nature action-thriller for the ages.

Overall: 8/10
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