Review of Game Change

Game Change (2012 TV Movie)
15 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It amazes that there are people out there who actually believe this movie is factually accurate, even in the most abstract sense. The information presented to the viewer is outlandish and unbelievable, and any sane person should be able to observe this. There is no question that Sarah Palin has her faults, but not to the extent portrayed in the film. Since this film was hastily made, it should come as know surprise that the end product was garbage. The assumptions made in the film that Sarah Palin did not know about the role of the Queen, or who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks are unfounded. Julianne Moore portrays Palin as a simple minded soccer mom who at times mirrored the personality of another simple minded character, Forest Gump. I understand this movie is pure propaganda but at least make it somewhat believable.Although I had extremely low expectations for this movie, I was still left in utter disbelief that this movie made it past the production process. Immediately after watching the film, I watched the Vanilla Ice movie "Cool as Ice", to try and remind myself that "Game Change" is not the worst film ever made. Needless to say, I left my one star rating for "Game Change" and added two stars to "Cool as Ice".
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