Love Never Dies (II) (2012)
Starts a little rough, but definitely doesn't disappoint
13 March 2012
First let me say that the primary review on the IMDb page is pretty much spot on. I agree with everything the author said, particularly about the constant close-ups that deny you the audience's perspective and reveal flaws that the audience would otherwise never notice. I was particularly irritated by the way the cast's Mics were worn, giving the appearance that each person had a large birth defect at the peak of their forehead. I'm sure the audience couldn't even see the Mics from their seats when worn in this fashion so I understand why they did this for the live stage performances, but the camera close-ups made it particularly unpleasant (for me at least).

More importantly though, the close ups and the overhead angles provided a view that was just never meant to be seen, and I can tell it took away from the overall performance even though I've never seen it live. I'm pretty sure the rotating stage and sets would've been much more impressive from the audience perspective, rather than the top down view where you clearly saw the separation in the floor and don't get to see the sets shifting the way you should. I would've preferred the majority of the shots to be wider with an occasional close-up, so you can take in the sets and scenery not to mention the other cast members.

I consider myself a pretty big Phantom Phan, having seen POTO on tour in multiple cities over the last 15 years, and having watched the movie and listened to the soundtrack countless times. I'd already heard a little bit of the LND soundtrack, so I was a little excited but very skeptical when I sat down to watch the Blu-Ray, like most Phantom Phans would be I'm sure. IMHO the opening song and 1st Act is MUCH weaker than POTO (one of my biggest criticisms of LND), but it gets better and better with each passing minute and delivers with a 3rd Act that very much lives up to its predecessor. In the end I really enjoyed LND and I'd definitely watch it again.

Since I hadn't listened to much of the soundtrack before I watched the movie, the best part for me was not knowing how the sequel was going to play out, particularly the third act and the ending. If I'd known the whole story before I watched/listened to the Blu-Ray, I would've been hugely disappointed (so I recommend not listening to it beforehand if you haven't already). Most of the songs themselves are just OK IMHO, but aren't nearly up to par with POTO (how could they be?). There are a few diamonds in the rough however, and there are some distinct nods to some of the original POTO scores sprinkled throughout. Unlike POTO I'm fairly sure I won't find myself listening to the soundtrack very often if at all, but I'll definitely watch the live performance on Blu-Ray again.

I think people that are fans of musicals in general will like LND, but as far as Phantom Phans go I think it's safe to say the results will be mixed, just as they were with the POTO motion picture (something that I happened to like). There are a LOT of Phans that just don't want the original story and music touched, period, while there are others who have always wanted more, and in particular for the Phantom to "get the girl". The way I see it, the purists that liked the original don't have to watch the movie or LND, and there's a phenomenal Blu-Ray available from the 25th anniversary performance at Royal Albert Hall that they can watch over and over again. For those that have longed for the story to continue (or end differently perhaps), LND offers them this. I certainly wouldn't spoil LND by giving any hints about how it plays out, but I will say that it's not at all predictable and the ending definitely delivers.
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