Review of Oasis

Oasis (2002)
This movie is beyond amazing...
11 March 2012
When I bought this movie on Amazon, I hadn't heard about it before. I just saw the rating people had given it and being a sucker for Asian movies, I decided to give "Oasis" a go.

And wow, I am so glad that I bought this movie. "Oasis" is without a doubt one of the most moving, heartfelt and touching movies I have ever seen. You might actually just want to prepare a box of tissued before sitting down to watch this movie though.

The story is about Jong-du Hong who has been released from prison, and you figure out immediately that there is something not fully right with this man. And he befriends Gong-ju Han, who is suffering from cerebral palsy. Their friendship is one without limitations and restrictions, as imposed by what we need "normal" society. It is a friendship regardless of physical and mental state. The friendship turns to love, and it is so beautiful. I especially loved the scenes where Gong-ju Han daydreamed about being able to do stuff that we "normally functioning" people take for granted.

"Oasis" is driven by a very emotional and compelling storyline, and it is especially helped along by the amazing performances by the two lead people, Kyung-gu Sol (playing Jong-du Hong) and So-ri Moon (playing Gong-ju Han). They both put on really good performances and they really carried the entire movie all by themselves.

I am also in awe at the boldness of the director Chang-dong Lee, to have the courage and the genius to have put together this story and actually made a story with this topic. It is not something you'd seen in every movie, and it really was right on the money. The director hit the nail right on the head here, driving the story right into the hearts and souls of the viewers, because this movie is so much more than beautiful. It also leaves you with something to think about after the movie has ended, and it imparts you with something to take with you as part of your personal growth and experience.

I can't recommend this movie enough. If you are a fan of movies and enjoy movies that offer more than just glamorous 3D effects and non-stop action, then you should treat yourself to "Oasis", because it is a movie that will stay with you in your heart and mind for a long, long time.

This movie really makes you take a step back and see the world from a whole new perspective, because you are thrown right into the predicaments of Jong-du Hong and Gong-ju Han. And you get to see how they are treated by the world around them, the world that we deem as "normal". Just because you have a disability doesn't mean you are not "normal", and whom are we to say who is or isn't "normal". Everyone is unique, and this movie really celebrates love and acceptance for whom and what we are.

Thumbs up, way, way up for "Oasis". This movie went straight to my top 10 best movies of all times list.
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