A Very Moving and emotional True Story told with Great Sensitivity
11 March 2012
this is one of the most moving and emotional movies which I have seen in recent years. i have not cried in a movie as much since I last saw Hachiko - a Dogs Story. This is, of course, a completely different kind of movie, based on the true story of child deportation of unfortunate children from Uk to Australia (without parents permission).

This is is a film drama and not a documentary but unlike other recent film release which are based on a true story, this film, appears to tell the true story as it was and some of the details revealed are extremely harrowing.

We go through the film with feeling for Margaret Humphreys the social worker as much for the lost children and Mothers who had lost contact with their children.

There is no fault with this film and we have to wonder what happened to those in authority at the places the children went in Australia and especially the Christian Brothers referred to.

An Unmissable film for every parent of a child and shows just how much faith parents place in the social welfare state of a civilised country like United Kingdom. Beware!
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