Sorry, what?...
9 March 2012
(First, I'm going to state that I am a well-educated person, with refined tastes. This is not meant to be perceived as a brag, but should rather help you trust me instead. Furthermore, I will let you know that -secondly- I created this account out of frustration caused by the other reviews. I just HAD to share my 2 cents with the rest of the world, in the hopes that -who knows?- perhaps I could save somebody 2 hours (or so) of his or her life. And last, but not least, I'm not alone in this opinion. So, here goes...)

I'm sorry, but it's more than obvious that my fellow reviewers and I have been watching two different movies altogether. Please, let me know whether there's another movie with the same title released within the same time period that I may actually enjoy. Otherwise this must be the ultimate proof that tastes are indeed, very different (which is kind of sad, since the other reviewers seem to be pretty clever people). Because, let me tell you, the one I watched can barely be called a movie whatsoever. In fact, what I've seen is this:

  • a shallow script that left me with the impression that the writers had absolutely no idea about what they wanted to do with the story, where to move things, or how to tackle the action;

  • computer animated graphics that would feel more at home in a B-rated video game (the "texture feel" of the dragon felt way different compared to the surrounding scenery - and a beautiful one that was, kudos to the guys that took care of that part, which is one of the reasons I gave this thing a grade above zero, another being that it seems they paid some effort in order to do this movie, too bad they couldn't pull it off eventually);

  • terrible, terrible acting for the most part, except perhaps for the female roles (+1 to the final grade), dubbed by dubious fight motion choices and pre-high-school dialogue lines.

The general feeling, besides "Jees, who's going to give me all this time back?" was that I've already seen everything this movie (I keep calling it that out of respect for the people who really tried to make something of it, except that they failed by a long shot) had to offer, just WAY better. I hope that other people finally see it for what it really is, a failed effort and a general waste of time, otherwise I may start to think that there's something wrong with me and the people who share my opinion about this... movie, people whom I generally call at least smart.
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