Adam Chaplin (2011)
The action sequence can be watched and re-watched for many days...mounts...years...yes that's why many call it a cult.
7 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Since I managed to stumble upon the pre-order on the day it was released (knew of the movie before, just didn't know when the release was) I figured I would order it. It didn't really look like a movie I would love, but it promised lots of blood and I figured I could review it at least. A few days later it arrived and now that I've seen it I think I WAS WRONG. An excellent movie.

The plot is like something out of any random action movie (or "The Crow") where a man is out to kill the person who killed his wife. In this case it was a mafia boss, and the lead man is Adam Chaplin - a muscular, long-haired Italian who has summoned a demon on his back. The demon is helping him find the mafia boss and also gives Adam powers not of this earth. Through-out the movie he is punching holes through heads and bellies, crushing and ripping off arms and legs, and everything else you'd imagine someone from a cartoon would do.

Yes, I say cartoon because this is quite literally "just" a live-action Anime. It mostly reminds me of a "Fist of the North Star" because that's an Anime I grew up watching that was in the veins of this. But of course, Adam Chaplin isn't as awesome as Kenshiro is/was. But the violence is like the similar Animes - blood spraying in ridiculous amounts, kicks and punches are done in rapid speeds, people either wear masks or have disfigured faces (all to try and make iconic characters of sorts). This movie was extremely entertaining upon first watch and still works after days and days.

The problem (if you are a purist splatter fan) with the violence in this one isn't how it looks but the fact that there is so much CGI used to enhance it. But I love the way the CGI looks here, and that have improved a lot the violence-realism mostly in simple sequence: like the sequence where the homeless get chopped with machete. Maybe too much blood - like if someone is punched in the face they use about a bucket of blood for that alone.

The demon on Adam back is another great touch, since Adam Chaplin manages to mix regular action, huge amounts of gore and unearthly things such as the demon.

The bad thing on my opinion is the movie carries a very bluish look and I don't know if that's because it is set in a fictional country called "Heaven Valley" (stupid name for a country). It appears to be wanting a Hollywood-look and whether that's true or not I don't know, but a less "stylish" look would've been to prefer.

All in all "Adam Chaplin" is probably the only movie that satisfy people who wants to see a live-action Anime (so basically, Anime fans) and people who wants to see splatter. It's an awesome movie for many reasons, mostly the action sequence can be watched and re-watched for many days...mounts...years...yes that's why many call it a cult. There's no need for me to warn you that you won't get a very good story with it, though, since anyone who puts this in the DVD player will be certain about it being a mindless splatter, but don't expect to laugh as much, this didn't set out to be funny.

George Hittach
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