Review of In Time

In Time (2011)
Eh, worth the rental
1 March 2012
Cool concept of a movie and Timberlake is pretty good in it, but the dialog is clunky at best and there isn't any chemistry between the co- star. Justin lives in the ghetto, Amanda lives in upper society. The only currency is time itself. Having time, keeps you alive. They never explain how people are engineer that their lives are measure by a timer, it just is. With everything you do, you have to pay for it in giving up time on your life. You can get time back by borrowing it, stealing it, or being super rich. Rich guys comes into the ghetto, tired of living, he gives all his time (a century) to Timberlake. Justin, having all the time in the world, goes to see where the rich lives. He meets Amanda and bada bing, they are being chase. The whole premise of the movie is based on people running out of time and controlling time Like I said, good concept, but not so good execution. It just flat in a lot of places, A LOT. Amanda isn't ask to do a whole lot and she doesn't to include deliver her lines with any convictions. The movie should be called "Justin Timberlake gets chased" Because is on him 90% of the time. Everyone else is just cardboard background people, to include the guy playing Amanda's dad and the cop that chases Justin. And the end of the movie is so anti-climatic and boring and it makes no real sense. Still, if you must see it, Rent it from Redbox for a dollar or wait for it on Netflix or HBO.
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