Late Autumn (2010)
Trying to stuff 3 different movies into 1 film
27 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was pretty bad. I hadn't planned on writing a review for this ever because there was just too much to say but I guess I'll write it anyway. I usually love Korean movies and watch them all the time so I know the format.. they can be overly long and overly sentimental. I digress.

The movie started out interesting. However quickly got WTF when Anna was let out of jail on so-called "compassionate leave" WITHOUT an escort OR ankle bracelet not to mention she was in jail for a VIOLENT CRIME. All they gave her was a cell phone to keep track of her (which they only called her twice). so that bothered me.

why did they get such bad actors for Americans? all of them sounded like English wasn't their first language... that scene at the bumper cars.omg such bad acting... the scene went on WAYY too long and then that random dance that they did?! it was beautiful, and how it was edited but it had NO place in that movie and made NO sense what so ever! so they ran and were in some meat shop where it was bothering me that they had left the meat sitting out like that and the doors open?!

and then, when anna was telling her story to hyunbin, he kept saying hao and hwey and was TOTALLY making everything she said "unserious" and i didn't feel bad for character. everyone in this movie fell flat... that kiss in the end WAS TOO LONG OMG. WTF was that! It was LITERALLY, over a minute long kiss scene. i kept looking at my watch waiting for that movie to be over.

i could say more but who will read it? anyway. they tried to shove a comedy a drama and an indie art film into one movie and it DID NOT work.
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