Being Human: A Spectre Calls (2012)
Season 4, Episode 4
Beware of the Toy Man
27 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode opens in the 1970s with a man called Kirby walking out into the road to retrieve a child's ball; he is stuck by a car and in the next scene he is knocking on our protagonist's front door claiming that Nina sent him. There is something indescribably creepy about him but Tom and Annie seem to get on with him. He constantly plants seeds of doubt in their minds 'accidentally' letting slip something one person said about another worming his way into their lives while driving them apart. The only person who doesn't trust him from the start is Hal but even he isn't immune to Kirby's poisonous tongue. When Tom lets slip that his twenty first birthday is the next day Kirby assures him that the others are bound to be planning a surprise party even though he knows they don't know it is Tom's birthday. In a separate plot Hal reads that human body parts were found in the stomach of the man arrested for the Box Tunnel massacre; this is rather strange as they know Mitchell did it and the arrested man was framed by the police; when Hal confronts the doctor he learns that vampires forced her to falsify her report. As the episode approaches its conclusion it looks as if Kirby has succeeding in his aims as he is in the house alone with only Eve for company; at this point a familiar face appears on the television ordering him to kill her!

This was a superior episode largely because Kirby was a genuinely creepy character; he may not have been obviously violent but his character was utterly toxic. James Lance did a fine job playing this unlikable character; making him unpleasant without making him too unbelievable. The episode wasn't without laughs; the scene where Tom and Hal pretended to be a couple when the doctor came to check up on Eve was truly hilarious! It was interesting to see that the Box Tunnel story isn't over; I'm keen to see where the series goes with that story.
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