Review of Inhabited

Inhabited (2003 Video)
As if made for television
19 February 2012
To be honest, I was hoping for this movie to have a lot more bite than it actually had. Watching it, more often than not I thought I was watching something that was made for television. There's no real gore, no swearing, not even any shocks. Even the way the movie has been photographed reminded me of a made-for-television production. But the biggest problem that the movie has isn't really its low-tech feel, but that for almost all of the movie, NOTHING terrifying or creepy happens. The movie feels like it is spinning its wheels over and over by not delivering anything for its horror-wanting audience. Movie is not a complete loss - towards the end of the movie, we are given several special effect sequences that look very impressive for a movie that had a low budget. Had there been more of these special effects throughout, it's possible the movie might have been livened enough to recommend. But as it is, there's not enough to recommend this movie even for a casual viewing experience.
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