Truly Dreadful
14 February 2012
There is a fine tradition of British gangster and bank robbery films- this does not add to that tradition. Low budget can be good. Limited claustrophobic locations , good writing and fine acting can do an awful lot. Here they contribute nothing. There is a lot of shouting, a lot of swearing, no humour, no sense of character identity, just a whole load of characters that you want caught as soon as possible, not because you care, but because you want the film to end.

Director and writer Paris Leonti has nothing to say, the direction is laborious, the scenes derivative, the dialogue risible. Shaun Williamson is ludicrously miscast as the Policeman in charge of facing down the robbery. He makes no attempt whatsoever to give the role any character, he plays it as Fat Barry from East Enders, he can't be bothered, and that transmits itself to the audience.

The plot is hopeless, the stocking masks totally ineffective, the Police response wholly unbelievable. Some of the lines are off the scale of cringe worthy. Tiffany Mulheron offers some brief moments of respite as an attractive hostage, and that is about as good as it gets. Avoid at all costs. On no account pay money to see this . If it is available free of charge – do something else with your valuable time.
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