Born and Bred (2011)
Good stuff. A different side of the immigration struggle
12 February 2012
Great to see serious docs like this that are made in L.A. I think I've got used to expecting anything that comes out of Los Angeles will be some gimmicky "save the dolphins" protest film.

I like how the film showed the bare-boned beginnings of kids in the sport of boxing. It certainly looked nothing like Rocky or that Lights Out show. Most of the film followed the kids and their trainers as they went to fight after fight after fight in various tournaments across the country. I never realized that as an amateur that you have to box like three or four days in a row just to win a tournament. One of the kids had over 200 fights before he turned 16! The story takes on a path of its own as the kids grow older and the strong are separated from the not so strong. I won't give away the ending, but even if I did, there's a lot of interesting "fight philosophy" that makes you understand how boxing is a pure metaphor for life.
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