Review of In Time

In Time (2011)
Sheer Torture
11 February 2012
Horrible in every way, this unintentional laugh-fest may have been financed and released because of Justin Timberlake in the lead... but whoever gave it the green light never bothered to ask if Timberlake could act.. or if he had any screen presence. He can't, and he doesn't. And no chemistry with Amanda Seyfried at all. I mean zero.

I would not wish this film on my worst enemy. Getting through it is a grueling and painful endurance test. Its absurdity is matched only by its obviousness. More like an expensive student film than anything else, its pretentious script is filled with howlers and clunky, first-year film student so-called "banter." It's amazing the cast got through the takes without laughing.

No wonder Ellison withdrew his lawsuit. He'd probably rather his time clock hit zero than be associated in any way, shape or form with this amateur-hour rubbish. Truly awful.
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