Intelligent thriller
10 February 2012
What a superb film. The feel of the 'time' was captured wonderfully, so much so you could smell the cigarette smoke. This is a film which requires a large degree of investment from the viewer as you cannot miss a scene, do so and you will be lost. You need to be tuned in to the fact that this was the end of the Cold War and all the protagonists were looking towards a very unsure future, all of which adds to the underlying paranoia. But the clear winner for me was the outstanding performance of Gary Oldman - measured, understated sheer brilliance. It's not just what he says its what he doesn't say that is marks his performance: its the gestures, the glances and the silence, yes the silence which at times is deafening. It is amazing to me that this is his first Oscar nomination for best actor. Compare this performance with LEON and particularly STATE OF GRACE which are totally different but serve to emphasize the versatility of his acting talent. Good luck Gary for the Oscars. Go and see this film but be prepared to 'pay attention'!
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