The Simpsons: Hit & Run (2003 Video Game)
Guess What? Your Childhood Lied !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 February 2012
If you are a younger fan of The Simpsons I'm sorry to tell you this but The Simpsons: Hit and Run isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'll admit when I was younger about 6,7,8 I enjoyed this game now I'm 16 and I know how games work now and I have recently played this game again and to be honest... it sucks. OK before I start a landslide of hate I'll get the good things out the way first. The story is quite good and well put together it's stupid but enjoyable and just like an episode of the show. The voice acting is passable the main characters Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Apu all sound great but others aren't to good to say the least. Characters like Burns, Snake and Skinner sound awful and the actors who voice them are the ones who voice them in the show and to me it's not acceptable. Now to the bad. The driving is the main crux of the game but it is so inconsistent it is painful, however it is never spot on it's either to loose or too stiff and the last few missions of the game require pin-point accuracy when it comes to your driving. The graphics can range from bad to horrible and that was by the standards then. Overall it's a hard game to recommend if you are a die hard Simpsons fan go pick it up, as for everyone else stick to other games of it's type such a GTA, Saints Row, Just Cause 2 you are bound to have more fun and a less painful experience.
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