Textuality (2011)
1 February 2012
OK, first I love seeing Canadians do well in the entertainment industry. I believe we are the kings of comedy. Rogan, Candy,Ryan reynolds, the guys from the trailer park.... It's a pretty high standard no doubt, and that's why I can say this movie and actors are pretty awkward. I cant understand why people think Carly pope is a good actor. She is pretty but her acting is terrible, self conscious. She must have some pull in the Vancouver movie scene because it can only explain her popularity with casting directors. The other actors are pretty bad as well, and the whole thing feels like a really really poor made for TV thing. Good god , there is so much more Canadian talent out there ...writer, actors, .....stop the hubris about how great these actors performances are...Canada has high standards and a rich history of cinematic comedy ....let's keep it that way....
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