Excellent Documentary Full of Facts
1 February 2012
If you wanted to torture a liberal, forget water-boarding. Tie them up and make them watch an listen to this movie and their head will explode. They will be a sobbing limp mess when then finish watching and will do whatever you want them to. A small percentage may have their eyes open and be able to weigh the information and come to an informed conclusion concerning the myth and junk science of so-called "global warming" and how it is merely a ploy to gain control over socio-economic elements of the global governments. Dirt people and tree-huggers BEWARE! This movie will befuddle you with facts. Take a conservative friend with you so they can explain the difficult parts. Actually, that's not true. This movie presents the truth so simply that even a 7 year-old can understand it. Do yourself a favor, go and see this movie and you will come out with your mind cleansed.
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