The Hunters (2011)
Truly Horrific... Horrifically Awful that is...
28 January 2012
This film is a horrendous waste of nearly two hours of your life. It is a failure on every level.

The plot... or plots... or lack of a plot... is the most glaring and intensely mind numbing problem with the film. It hits you from the outset: the threads are all there if held together by nothing else than the most tenuous of links, but they seem to have been crafted and developed with much the same skill as high school short story. Lamentably though, had this been a high school short story then at least the teacher would have taken their red pen to each page and scored the word 'Drivel' across it. And, don't even get me started on the absolutely massive glaring holes in what little plot there is.

This lack of plot is compounded by the fact that none of the actors can actually act so what little character development there is, is entirely unbelievable at best and largely ends up being laughable. I mean, I actually guffawed more than once at the terrible terrible lack of acting skill. I don't think the cast were entirely to blame though, the script was so utterly clichéd and clumsy that there really was no other way to deliver it.

As you might think, surely the cinematography would make up for this. Well, I have two words for you BLUE FILTER. This to me, is an absolute giveaway that all is not well - when every scene has a blue hue added to it and the scene desaturated in post production. And whilst on the topic of production, did they lose ANY scenes in the edit? I mean ANYTHING? I'm surprised they just didn't string the rushes together and call it job done.

The location is, erm, repetitive - if you like looking at the walls of forts (or more accurately the same wall of a fort) then you will love this. Also, wet leaves feature quite a lot as do incredible bullet attracting and spark producing trees. It's an incredible coincidence that every single bullet that didn't meet its target hit the nearest tree and produced a shower of sparks. And, someone explain to me the problem with the breath - now you see it... now you don't... even in the same scene the temperature apparently changes wildly. As for Special FX... the blown off leg was particularly hilarious, as were the mounted heads - I can't tell you how bad they were - Like Hammer Horror but without the tongue in cheek self awareness.

All in, utterly awful - I cannot recommend enough that you employ the two hours of this film's duration in any other way possible but watching it.
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