Logan (2010)
Whot happen?
20 January 2012
I was watching what seemed to be just another pre-chewed, low budget, Disney-esque movie about a kid with aspirations and a shallow family that was just droning on and on. . . when something amazing happened. A move that started off so tame, so "common", suddenly surprised me: seized me: captivated me: moved me. Why hasn't someone told this story earlier? It's certainly needed -- on the order of a "public service".

Zero spoilers here; and a pox on anyone who reveals so much that this excellent movie cannot have it's full positive impact on those who haven't seen it yet. The reviews and synopsis to date give you some idea what it's about. I will just say that it tackles SEVERAL VERY prevalent youth issues; but that parents might consider watching it first by themselves before sharing it with your tweens and teens. (Or if you're brave and you want to ride the roller coaster with them, go for it! It's a very intense . . . but ultimately "safe" ride.)

You will be shocked: but for the youth audience there is nothing unwholesome or damaging in this movie once the final curtain draws.

Just the opposite.

An amazing move, professionally executed by a very young and talented cast and (from what I've heard), production team. This is probably the highest praise I've ever given to a movie. If you have kids or are concerned with youth issues, just watch it!
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