Star Trek: Elaan of Troyius (1968)
Season 3, Episode 13
They are probably still not stopped grinning having made this...
22 January 2012
No, this is not top flight TOS. But it is Season Three slipping its shackles and supplying a top 20 (of the TOS 70-odd) episode.

Early on, as the exclamations and cushions fly, the story is briefly in danger of becoming a serious embarrassment.

But the interaction of Kirk and transported princess is as galaxy-popping as Kirk's romances get... you can enjoy similar escapades in, say, Mirror Mirror, and respect more solemnly the doomed love in City on the Edge of Forever, but the second half of Elaan of Troyius is pure first love/crush aboard combat mode spaceship.

In entrapping Kirk Elaan's calculations are clear, but she gains much sympathy as someone who (First real love? Erstwhile impossible child suddenly develops maturity? Emotional depth prompted by probable immediate obliteration?) becomes responsible and even perhaps an asset to her fellow travellers.

But – issues raised on marriage and diplomacy apart – this is from the first frame a comedy turn/showcase for one of SciFi's greatest guest stars. If you like your TOS austere and intelligent you shall despair, but if you prefer it to rove through every emotional high and moreover to do so with a unending belting grin, draw up a chair. There's no deep sci fi complexity here, but there is ample genius of acting, push-boat-out costume design, and eternal questions probed of youth, beauty, marriage and - duty.
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