Resident Evil: Underworld
20 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by stating that I absolutely loved the first 3 Underworld movies and that I've been waiting for this one since I first heard it was being made.

I'm giving it 3 stars because it was an Underworld movie and even if the movie was horrible it still had Kate B. and vampires and Lycans. I was hoping for at least a 9 star movie, but I was sorely disappointed.

The whole entire movie reminded me of how Resident Evil 3D was shot and I hated that look. Please,please, please film the next one for 2D and don't go for 3D just because it's the fad. The first 3 movies looked amazing. The props, the sets, the puppet work... even the CGI that was used was pretty good and doesn't look much worse on DVD. This movie had none of that feel.

The only characters I cared about at all in this movie were Selene and her daughter. The other characters were bland and hardly around for very long. The list of actors in the credits was only something like 15 people long. Don't even get me started on Michael. Movies 1 and 2 were about her and him. To me, you can't have an Underworld movie set after 1 and 2 that doesn't feature him prominently. I haven't heard why they couldn't/didn't get Scott Speedman, but if they don't get him for the next one I'm giving the next one -4 stars without even seeing it. What they did for the 30 seconds the character was in this movie was appalling. I would have rather had them not include him at all. I was actually cheering for the bad guys to kill him off, it bothered me that much.

I was also kind of expecting some sort of return of Lucien somehow. Raze didn't just drop the vampire blood near him and he didn't use it.. but sadly.. no appearance.

Super Lycan.. stupid. In my opinion the CGI used on that character was awful. The whole storyline around that part of the movie also was rather muddled, at least to me.

This whole movie felt like it was just a filler story between movie 2 and a possible movie 5. A bunch of the action was just repeated stuff from the previous movies. More Lycans on walls, shooting floors/ceilings to make them weaker to get through them, etc. It all looks cool, but it's starting to get boring.

It also felt really short. The other movies have always so engrossed me that I felt like I'd been watching them for a long time, which I enjoy. This was so frenetic that just shot by, and not in a good way.

I'm begging the people that make the next one... make it better than this pile o' disappointment. And find Scott Speedman.. stat.
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