Best Cinematic Shot in All of Cinema: "An Ill-Wind Blows"
18 January 2012
The best shot in all of cinema presaging the ominous portent of an ill wind blowing (if that isn't redundant) appears in this film. Going by memory (and not having seen the film recently), war officials approach in a carriage to inform Manech his somewhat idyllic life will be ending. As the camera booms-up to a wide-shot, a gust of wind appears to blow perfectly, synchronizing and underlining the bad news approaching.

On seeing (and being astonished by) this shot it was thought "what a wonderful bit of filming serendipity." Alas, in the DVD extra materials, the staging of this scene was explained, and it was no accident. A field was planted to ripen at the time of filming and the downwash of a helicopter's rotors were deftly and subtly used. But the in-camera (non-green-screen, non-CGE) effect is transparent and breathtakingly powerful.

Apologies for not having the time-mark to indicate where to see this. But it's on my "Best" list for cinematic composition and effect. Amazing, the aforethought for this shot.
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