Featurette Does Its Job
17 January 2012
Fear on Film: Inside The Fog (1980)

*** (out of 4)

Promotional film on the making of John Carpenter's THE FOG. This type of film has one goal and that is to get people interested in the main film and overall I think this short does just that. We get a few clips from the movie but the majority of the running time features interviews with Carpenter, Debra Hill, Jamie Lee Curtis, Janet Leigh and Adrienne Barbeau. Carpenter talks about wanting to do something different from HALLOWEEN and why he doesn't make movies for the press. Barbeau talks about the physical nature of the role as well as making a movie with Carpenter who she was dating at the time. Leigh talks about making people scared and shares the fact that PSYCHO caused her to never take showers again. Curtis talks about getting to work with her mother and why in general she doesn't like horror films. Fans of the genre will enjoy listening to the stories as all five people are quite entertaining. There's nothing told in great detail but again, this short was made to make people interested in seeing the film.
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