Supernatural: Time After Time (2012)
Season 7, Episode 12
That's a living proof that Supernatural writers are still somehow smart enough to amuse us
14 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I remember a few days ago when I posted my last episode's comment, I mentioned how much I missed seeing the boys having fun on the job, missed the Rock/Scissor/Paper moments (And Yeah, Dean loses again but at least now with the Paper not his usual Scissors, The guy does learn his lesson after all) and I missed the brotherly teasing ("You gonna look at more anime or are you strictly into Dick now"). I also asked Dean to snap out of his angst because that's life and we are destined to lose people. So I dare to call myself lucky this week, because I got what I wished for and more.

Bobby's death is still aching and Dean is still obsessed with getting revenge on Dick Roman but at least the boys are learning how to deal with the loss while doing their job. With yet another time travel episode, Supernatural writers win the hearts of their fans again with a purely funny amazing episode. The writing is once again fantastic with the good old perfect one liners and brotherly moments. And I liked that even though the boys were separated for most of it, they were working together on the same page.

Nicholas Lea was cool as the one and only Eliot Ness, and his confusion to Dean's childish geeky behaviour was hilarious. Ness's advice to Dean was valuable and made more sense that Frank's "fake it" advice and I hope Dean takes it for once and appreciate his life a little more.

It's always nice to have Kim Rhodes on the show, She brings warmth to a rather tough Sheriff Jody Mills. I loved her motherly interaction with Sam, It's been a very long time since he had this kind of connection with someone especially if it's not a monster or a daemon and we all know how much he needs that touch in his life right now. I hope to see Sheriff Mills again working with the boys, cause I have the sense she is becoming Ellen 2.0 and I like that.

The 1944 era was done neatly and I liked the directing going back and forth between the present and the past. The use of light through the episode was brilliant too. Finally I have to refer how amazing Jensen Ackles looks in every outfit he puts on and though I never mentioned this before, Sam's sideburns are becoming very annoying and his hair is getting too damned long.
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