woeful subEaling comedy
12 January 2012
It is funny how once Ealing had produced an innovative comedy lesser producers came along with an attempt to ride on their shirtails.For example Passport to Pimlico beget the far lesser Green Grow The Rushes.In this instance Whiskey Galore was clearly the inspiration.The problem is that the producers didn't have the talented casts,director or writers and so what they ended up with was a woefully unfunny production littered with eccentric actors doing eccentric things in the hope that they might just light a spark.The leading players are just not cut out for playing this type of comedy.The writers and directors have clearly felt that if they piled one unusual incident on top of another then at least some may come to life.Well they don't and the stalwart character actors can do nothing to save this leaden farce which feels as if it is twice its brief running time.
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