What we've all watched this series for; A Grand Wizard Competition Finale!
10 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Since the day I had begun following this Disney series, I have got to say that I've been dying for this episode to come out and finally find out who wins. At the same time however, I'm extremely disappointed to see another great Disney show come to an end. In saying that, this final WOWP was no disappointment at all! I had always been skeptical about the ending and how it was probably something cheesy and predictable. However, this episode sure was one heck of a roller coaster ride with many, many twists and turns that would have you laughing one second, and teary the next. A truly magnificent finale.

*SPOILERS* Personally, I thought that in this episode, Alex had kinda lost her character with all her nice deeds from cooking for the family, to being desperate in wanting to save Zeke and Harper. However, this may have been intentionally done to show her change since season 1 where she really didn't care about anything at all. The MAIN downside in this episode that really frustrated me was the fact that Zeke ruined everything but instead, Justin and Max blamed it entirely on Alex. In fact, the part in which Zeke and Harper were saying "It was all my fault......," He walks off scott-free while the Russo brothers push the blame entirely on her. I do understand that they did this to show what family really was and how they could forgive her for something so big but, he was totally at fault regardless of whether she was the one who initiated the idea of wanting to save both Harper and Zeke. I could see that they tried to cover up and explain things in the show by saying that the target was supposed to be Professor Crumbs. However, if it was, then surely all three of them would be desperate to save him and show them how good they are as opposed to Justin's refusal attitude when Alex suggested going after the Griffon (which captured Zeke and Harper).

The positive aspects of this episode are just too many to list out. However, I'll point out several key parts that were impressive:

1. Justin and Max angry at Alex for making them become 'disqualified' from the wizard competition but then forgiving her and proving that they can live as a normal family 2. The twists and turns of thinking they're in one second, and out the next... and the back in again. 3. The humorous lines that never fail to make WOWP a comedy

Overall, I would recommend anyone to watch it anytime. Two thumbs up from me!! :D

Last notes... In my personal opinion, contrary to what others may think of the ending, I think that the writers did a very good job in finishing off the show. Despite the fact that Max didn't get to keep his powers which IS sad to see, they did try to give him something in which was the Subshop. If he was given powers to keep too, then I think that the whole series of WOWP and this episode would have absolutely no meaning whatsoever because what's the point of all this time where they they worked to become prepared for the competition? Therefore, I think that it was a very appropriate thing especially because the Subshop had been in probably every episode of this series where even the parents weren't in some... The thing is, they ended it this way on purpose because throughout the series, Max HAD his powers along with his siblings. Therefore, as this is the end, there's really no future for any of the three.. if you get what I mean xD As for Alex, the star of the show, no surprise there she would win although we all kinda watched it to see how she would beat Justin ;) Finally, awesome that Justin took the place of Professor Crumbs because he was very knowledgeable throughout the entire series saving Alex from trouble multiple times. Finally, his efforts are recognised so kudos to him! Last but not least, Alex and Justin get to be with their loved ones; Mason and Juliet respectively. Poor Max didn't have Talia there... *End of SPOILERS*
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