Review of War Horse

War Horse (2011)
8 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the trailers for this movie, I was excited to go to see it. Spielberg has directed some many excellent shows; I expected no less for this movie. I expected a gripping tail with excellent cinematography. I ended up sitting through over two hours of a boring show that did not seem to know where it wanted to go. One of the other reviewers summed it up nicely, stating that it seemed like Disney's attempt at a World War One movie. The only partially redeeming area of this movie was some of its cinematography. Unfortunately, the movie did not keep you engaged enough to truly appreciate the nicer looking scenes. In addition, many of the scenes seemed overly contrived. I found myself looking at my watch an hour and a half into the movie and being disappointed that I still had about an hour to go before the end. What frustrates me most about a movie such as this is that it will likely make out great when it comes to awards such as the Oscars solely based upon the name of the director; the movie did not excel in any area.

I have to wonder how this movie is rating so high; if I was a pessimistic person, I would almost think that the movie studios must be hiring people go on sites such as this to boost the ratings of their shows.

Save you money and your time. I can't even recommend that you wait to watch this movie on video.
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