Tintin at 10:10
2 January 2012
I saw this movie last night at 10:10pm. It was truly a great movie. Yes, it is not photo-realistic like, for example, Avatar, but is it motion-capture heaven! When Spielburg does his trademark "rush close-up to the eyes, you see the wrinkles and even the translucent fuzz on the face of Tinti. The set designs the art work and the action as well as the drama parts are well done and crafted.

Ah, the music. I have to admit that if it were not the masterful music of John Williams ting the scenes together and pushing the plot long the story would have been lost. At times when the plot slows down and it is looking for either a way out or to change in a different direction, John Williams music comes to the rescue.

I have grown up on the movie of Spielburg and the music of John Willimas and I have seen all of the movies, I have to say that they have a working symbiotic relationship to film making. When one needs help the other is there to provide assistance. A question comes to mind, can Spielburg make a movie without that symbiotic relationship with John Williams? Can the filmmaker survive with the composer? Oh, yes, the story line. It maybe that the story is based on 2 or even 3 of Tintin adventures, but what a masterfully telling of it all. Some will be against about it, but remember just like Lemmony Snicket where that have to interweave 3 books together to make a movie longer, besides the adventures of Tintin were times interrelated like any good serial are. The writers had to intertwine the stories together to make and sensible whole. If they were to make a movie out of one, like some people will say that it should be done that way, then it will be a "short movie" and not a "feature movie". Now what fun will that be that you have to come back to the theater to see part two, three, etc. Yes, it will be a great money maker but it will destroy the theme of the movie and the story line.) So even though have not read Tintin, or have not even heard of Tintin, this is an excellent introduction to him and his adventure.

Why 8 out of 10 stars? At times (rearely) the story stumbles and if it were not the music of John Williams to the rescue, we would have been lost in the thicket.

Long live Snowy!
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