Supernatural: Slash Fiction (2011)
Season 7, Episode 6
Evil doppelgangers!
31 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK who's your favourite villain? Is it Lucifer? Isit Death? Or is it perhaps Crowley? No! It is evil Sam and Dean Winchester!!!!!!

Wow, This was just brilliant! I can't help put stop and marvel on every second of this fun loaded episode. The writing was perhaps the smartest we had on the show for a very very long time. There were so many clever great lines from every character and I have to add that the director was purely excellent.

"Slash fiction" comes as a happy reward for every Supernatural fan, with all the dreamy unforgettable moments:

1- Evil Sam and Dean go on a killing spree.

2- Leviathan Chet is both annoying and scarily smart.

3- Frank Devereaux is another example why I love Bobby. How the Hell does he know all those handy freaks? (Remember the first time we met Rufus guys?) Frank is hilarious, paranoid and outright sarcastic.

4- OK smashing Sam's laptop and burning out their rock aliases is one thing but taking the Impala is highly unacceptable. I heard Sera Gamble talk about how the boys will loose everything they have relied on in season seven, But not the Impala please. "No body puts baby in a corner", You are right on that Dean, especially when he and poor Sammy get crammed in the metal crappy car and with a "My little pony" hanging in the mirror. This must be Hell.

5- I love Sheriff Jody Mills, She is a perfect match for Bobby. The guy needs someone like her in his life, Please keep her on the show. They are so cute together.

6- Dean lip synching Air supply! I'm having fun and I'm recalling a similar scene on season two's "Simon said" with Dean singing "Can't Fight This Feeling". And Sam's freaked out face! Oh Sam why do you always have to be the fun spoiler?

7- Flashing back to the boys great hits from season one brings so many happy memories, smart move Supernatural creators, smart move.

8- The scene with evil Dean and Sam at the diner, this was priceless. Jared and Jensen must have had tons of fun doing that scene.

9- Evil Bobby! I definitely would like to see that again. Plus we get to know a bit more about the dark territory Bobby is having in his mind.

10- So Borax does the job? Too funny too cheesy.

11- Evil Dean taunting poor Sammy then dropping the Amy bomb shell! OH Sammy!

12- "Don't open it. Even if it starts talking, especially if it starts talking. When you cross over Underhill Bridge, toss it in the drink."

13- We finally meet the Levaithan boss and Crowley is back doing his usual deal of making twisted evil alliances. Good that someone is putting him in the right place.

And now a major discussion topic: Is Sam being over dramatic about the Amy thing? Is the boy's relationship retreating or are they show some extent of maturity?

I'm not giving my usual "Yes and No" answer, because the answer comes as a very big clear No this time. Sam is very angry with Dean right now, he might not be angry because Dean killed Amy but more because Dean had constantly lied to him about it, when he came clean to his brother about Lucifer and every thing that has been going on in his head. He is considering Evil Dean's words about how the real Dean thinks his mind is not in the right place, so Sam thinks his brother is not trusting his judgements any more so he is very angry with that thought. So Sam chose to walk away to get some time to cool off and reconsider things, in stead of venting out his anger on his brother and having to say hurtful things like they did to each other before, words they wish they could take back. Dean too knew no matter how he tried to justify his act to Sam, nothing can make him understand it right now, so he had to let his brother go and cool off for sometime. So Yes they are showing a great level of maturity learning from their past mistakes.
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