Review of Maya

Maya (III) (2010)
24 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Mis-portrayals: (1.) A female college age aspiring actress (Maya), far from home and using her family's limited resources, is at a drama school and finds that she can't take criticism from the school's instructor and literally walks out of the school. Not realistic or a positive way to show how to deal with criticism. (2.) As a waitress she practices her acting lines by telling story lies to her customers. Consequences to fabrications - who cares! (3.) Is seen by a much older male director and is chosen to lead a stage play even though she has no experience. Because ... (4.) Much older director seduces her. If not rape it's probably illegal in most societies for someone to use their position of power in that way. Positively portrayed. (5.) Showing the use of the institutionalized mentally/developmentally delayed for the actress to use as practice fodder is both immoral and illegal. Even their illnesses were stereotypically displayed both in the institution and when they are brought to the theatre as audience. (6.) The director as bully to members of the cast when they offer suggestions and then in his behavior when they act outside his direction especially in shoving Maya away for acting outside his direction and drives off in a tantrum. Out of character and just not believable. (7.) Additional subplot as Maya's roommate deals with married, cheating-on-wife, boyfriend and possible unwanted pregnancy with abortion.

So what's positive about the movie? Well, perhaps it's the final scene where the director realizes his excessive bullying personality or is it he misses the benefits of seduction and comes back to Maya.

Note, on DVD issues, does not work in most Sony players. Also, no English subtitles in Bonus discussions so practice your modern Hebrew.
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