Fight the Fairies
17 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A comic episode! We haven't had one of those in a very long time and it has some decent fun in it. I'm still enjoying the Soulless Sam storyline Yet I'm missing good old Sammy now and I hope they don't stretch it any further because it would turn the humour into sheer annoyance. Jensen and Jared were pretty funny all through the episode and I like how John F. Showalter directed it. I strangely enjoyed Dean's encounter with the Fairy as well as the parallel scenes where the Fairies are beating the crap out of the brothers.

Robert Picardo is yet another proof the casing team are doing a great job, so sad he had a little screen time.

Finally, Sam was definitely lying to Dean, We know damn well he is having second thoughts about having his soul back. Why would he want it if he is a better hunter and having fun with hippie chicks?
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