Review of Footsteps

Footsteps (2003 TV Movie)
good TV movie with Candice Bergen
10 December 2011
Candice Bergen plays an author recovering from a nervous breakdown in "Footsteps," a 2003 TV movie based on a play by Ira Levin.

Bergen is Daisy, a popular author making her first public appearance in a long time. She has just killed off a major character who has appeared in many books. A man screaming at her about this from the back of the hall unnerves her. She has decided to face her fears and spend the night in her beach house alone, as her husband is away - during the film, she has a series of phone calls with him. When she arrives there after the Q&A, she can't find her dog and a fan (Bug Hall) has broken into her house. He assures her he's not there to hurt her. He seems to know everything about her; afraid, Daisy keeps ordering him to get out.

The police arrive at the behest of her husband in the form of Bryan Brown, his "Thorn Birds" days long behind him He manages to get the fan out of the house and agrees to wait with her until her dog is returned - it's been picked up by the pound. As time goes on, Daisy realizes he's not a cop. Who is he? And did someone send him? This is a good, atmospheric TV movie. It's somewhat derivative and somehow it never really scared me, but the performances are good and there are suspenseful moments. I had one problem. I won't give anything away but at a certain point, one of the characters suffers a horrific injury to his hand. A towel is wrapped around it and the individual goes on as if nothing has happened. To which I say, give me a break. The pain had to be unendurable.

You're not really sure what's going to happen in the end, so you'll have to make your own decision.
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