The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Dear Uncle George (1963)
Season 1, Episode 30
Following his own advice
9 December 2011
***SPOILERS*** The advice columnist for the New york Examiner John Chambers using the pen name "Uncle George", Gene Barry, has gotten many strange letters from is many fans on what to do but the one from someone calling themselves "Good Samaritan" was a real eye opener. It turned out to be from his next door neighbor Mrs Weatherbery, Charity Grace, who has a habit of looking across the street into her neighbor's window. Mrs Weatherbury's next door neighbor just happens to be "Uncle George" or John Chambers himself! The fact that Uncle George is really columnist John Chambers is totally unknown to Mrs.Weatherbery which in the end turns out to be a fatal mistake on Chambers' part!

Being told by Mrs.Weatherbry in the letters she sends him that her next door neighbor's wife has been cheating on her hard working husband has Chambers notice that the letter was mailed from the same apartment house where he and his wife Louise, Particia Donahue, live. It didn't take much checking that it was Louise who was having a secret affair with another man while Chambers was away at work!

Confronting Louise about her infidelity things get out of hand with Chambers ended up killing Louise by splitting her skull open with a statue of Cupid. Now seeing that he's facing hard time behind bars or even the electric chair Chambers does everything to cover up his crime. As things turn out it's Chambers former fellow employee at the newspaper Tom Esterow, Dabney Coleman, who ends up taking the rap for Chamber's killing of Louise. Esterow just happened to be the right man in the right place, in coming to see Louise about a painting, in being found at the scene of the crime!

Things get a little more complicated when it later turns out that Chambers' boss editor Simon Aldritch, John Larkin, was in fact the other man involved with Louise. This has the really guilty of killing his wife John Chambers in the drivers or cat-bird seat in having two not one suspects in his wife's murder! Both of whom he has, at least with Aldritch, no use for.

***SPOILERS*** With now Aldritch about to be being framed in Louise's murder all Chambers needed was an eye witness in placing him and Louise together in his apartment the evening that she was found dead; and it's there when Mrs.Weatherbery comes in. With the police but not Mrs.Weatherbery knowing that John Chambers is "Uncle George" she tells the cops on hand that she, after fingering Aldritch, in fact wrote "Uncle George" about how Louise was cheating on her poor husband John Chambers with her secret lover who, unknown to her, just happened to be his boss Simon Aldritch! And as it turned out it was non other then "Uncle George's" cryptic reply to her, that for some reason wasn't printed his his column, that in the end implicated him in Louise's murder!

P.S As it turned out John Chambers best witness in framing the innocent Simon Aldritch for his wife's murder instead unknowingly fingered him,or his alter ego "Uncle George",instead!
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