In Transit (II) (2012)
A Fantastic short film!
5 December 2011
This short film of 7 minutes keeps you thinking long after you have finished watching it. Two strangers sitting waiting for the bus, get into a conversation, slowly and gradually reveals each ones vulnerability, that in real life rarely happens. But this story is based on a true event, which makes it all the more effective. The final few moments of the film, is very beautiful and uplifting but also painful. Liliana Arriaga's 'Maria' gave me a huge sadness of being alone. Wonderful, deep and resonating performance by Arriaga. On the other hand, Suniil Sadarangani's 'Kunal' is a stranger to 'Maria' but feels compassion for her and in the 7 minutes Sadarangani very convincingly goes from guarded to genuine compassion and gives a flawless performance. A fantastic short film! -Henrietta Kocsis
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