Burzynski (2010)
Excellent - MUST see if you want to see what cancer treatment in the US is all about
3 December 2011
This movie is both inspiring and worrisome. Inspiring because it shows clear proof that people ARE getting better results from non toxic alternative treatments. Worrisome because the dogged insistence on thickheaded-ness by the medical establishment is boggling. I mean, why can't we finally start telling the truth about alternative med for use in cancer? (I'm not naive, it's obvious why the truth is not being told - this movie only makes it crystal clear) If you haven't see it yet, I HIGHLY recommend you see these video clips (links are listed in the comments attached to this review): They are NOT about cancer. But they are very enlightening with regards to something as plain as day, yet conventional med REFUSES to acknowledge it. Namely a guy's life was saved by high dose vitamin C, yet they simply won't acknowledge they made what would have been a fatal mistake. These videos are another slant on the conventional VS alternative dilemma we are in - but free. Incredible!
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