Supernatural: Jump the Shark (2009)
Season 4, Episode 19
He is a Winchester! He is already cursed.
30 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this episode I was like "WHAT? Kripke! we are only three episodes away from the finale, please focus man focus. How could they just decide now to give the boys a brother in the middle of every thing they are going through only to kill him off that easily? How could they do that to Dean, did the image of John need more cracks in his mind, NOW when every thing seems to falling apart around him, when he found out he can't trust his brother nor the angels!. Stop hurting the guy."

I was angry and I found it pointless. But relax and take a deep breath it's not what you think for I promise you that the Adam Milligan story line is not over, just wait and see.

This episode may not be the best but not that bad either, We get to see a new side of both the boys.

Dean naturally suspicious of Adam then angry, jealous and hurt to know that Adam shared with John things he was never able to experience. But then Dean, with his deep fatherly overprotective nature, announces that he respects his fathers will to keep the boy a secret. For Adam it is not too late, he doesn't have to live the life Dean and Sam are leading. Dean has accepted his fate but that doesn't mean he is happy about it, so he will not drag another kid to this kind of life. Eventually he comes to realize that he was nothing like John, He tried so hard to be like him but no matter what he did they were different and Dean seemed to accept that fact.

On the other hand there is Sam. He is more accepting of Adam but all the same jealous of the boy. He sees the boy as bait, as cursed and wants to teach him how to fight for himself giving him the "Cut all acquaintances and accept hunting as a life" speech, But beneath that act Sam's only just jealous because why would Adam get to live a normal life if he can't. Sam's behaviour shows how much he has been slowly changing over the years turning into his father loosing his humanity in the process.

And then there was John, I wonder what other secrets will be revealed about that man. Did he really wish for a normal life for his boys but it was too late for them or did his blind vengeance and his knowledge of Sam's fate lead him to subject them to that kind of life?

And finally Though the brothers were obviously growing apart I enjoyed how well they still knew each other how they are willing to protect each other and I enjoyed the Rock, paper, scissors moment, Dean will you ever learn?

OK to cut it short, I like to point out to two things:

1- when Dean was bashing the ghoul's head, did any one see how brutal he was? Was he just killing another monster that revealed a bad secret about his father? or was he venting all the anger he has been feeling since he met Adam?

2- The scene when the ghouls were slowly torturing Sam was massively disturbing but it was nice to point out that his blood tasted funny. I wonder with loosing all that much blood did he loose some of his powers through the process?
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