alright, a little bit of middle ground between advocates and bashing
27 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
To start off, I'll give the film a 7 out of ten and explain why. This was in my opinion a great bit of guerrilla marketing at its finest. It had me hooked when I stumbled across it on face book and I could not wait to get my hands on it. That is honest although I can clearly say I did not go in looking for grade A acting or even above average gore.

The acting seemed forced in my opinion until it came to the terror and pain. There was a lot of both. That being said even as a staunch horror advocate who will watch near anything, the sheer amount of screaming in this flick started to grate on even me. I was pretty much waiting for a gag simply for a brief respite. The sound needed a bit of work for Marcus, his lines were nearly inaudible due to the audio balancing. I cannot give him a proper review on acting because of it. For that, I would have recommended recording his audio separate like a musical number and adjust in post. Something to keep in mind for future endeavors from this crew.

The music, I applaud the ballsy endeavor to go full out nonstop metal. Something I have been awaiting for years. That being said, the audio balancing makes it another problem, it's impossible to hear anyone over the awesome screaming guitars. Normally this would not be a complaint from me, this film however could go to a higher caliber from some fine tuning in the audio production. Most of my faults with this film are actually the audio.

The gore in this movie, this is where I laud this film. Few films have ever made me wince. This movie did it twice. Some parts were incredibly over the top while others were very believably toned down, screwdriver being my main example. No explosive fountains of blood, merely a steady trickle when removed that really made me cringe. The barbed wire scene conflicts me though. On one hand it was the other part that really got me, that was some gruesome prosthetic work, on the other hand... She would be so very dead or severely crippled. The scenes following immediately after did not follow up with that injury very well. From obviously tearing off almost every strip of flesh from the bones in her hand to slightly bloody wrists, it killed the effectiveness of that scene. Overall though, the gore was handled extremely well and I rate this movie towards the top above a lot of competitors. I can't honestly think of one off the top of my head as brutal and unflinching as this one and I've been watching horror movies practically my entire life. I was watching Pumpkinhead when I was 7 for gods sake. Anyone that actually tries to argue Hostel or anything Eli Roth has done has no business in this thread...

Finally the storyline as I wrap up this massive wall of text. The storyline was extremely thin, practically nonexistent. I expected roughly as much going in, although I will say to the makers of this film. While it's an admirable attempt to just go balls first at Mach five with nothing to fuel it but blood, guts and mayhem. I'd recommend crafting at least a bit of story into it. This was a concept piece pushed through to a feature length film and like my opinion of Laid to Rest, a film I would love to see remade and polished to perfection. I'm not talking about someone else pick up the slack and make the Orphan Killer or Chromeskull. Can't do it, no one should handle these films but the ones that made it in the first place. I would recommend however trying to put a little more intrigue or purpose behind the wonderful monsters you've made.

The makers of this film, you've done an amazing job of crafting a hardcore concept, the film however needs a lot of work so instead of having a bunch of people on here shouting 10 out of 10 perfect!!! Or a bunch of a-holes trying to wipe their crack with it when they have no idea of what goes on behind a camera. I say 7/10, you made a bad ass attempt and one I hope you revisit to make this one a freaking grand slam.

You've got a decent start, your ad campaign was brilliant albeit a bit overdone actually, but your audio and storyline need some work.
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