All in the Family: Lionel, the Live-In (1974)
Season 5, Episode 5
Uncle Archie
23 November 2011
This solid episode has Lionel fighting with his father, George, and knocking at Archie's door very early in the morning, asking Mike for a few bucks to stay in a motel or accept a reluctant invitation by Archie to stay at his house for the night, as he didn't expect Lionel to accept, which he does. George is upset that Lionel wants to marry a girl who's father is white, as he says something to his son about the father being the "wrong color", to which Archie responds with a great line, "yeah, but the father's white." Louise also has some great lines aimed towards her stubborn husband, which we don't get to see her do normally on this show, and it's a refreshing change. It turns out that Lionel stays for a few days, much to Archie's chagrin, and apparently eats all the bacon, also to Archie's chagrin. Archie's doing his best to be a good neighbor, but he really wants Lionel, who calls him "uncle Archie" in a mocking fashion, out as soon as possible. Edith, Mike, and Gloria have smaller roles in the episode, but the best parts are the arguments between Archie and George, with Louise adding to the fun.
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