21 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have read allot of different reviews about this short; most negative. People either have an issue about content, the race of the family (Black), or both. Allot of them contain spoilers... Lets get this out the way, the movie is very disturbing; but its very original. Originally is something you don't see these days with movie studios appearing to only be pushing movies with existing IP's. " Good acting, writing, and again an original story.

When I first heard about this movie, it was on a site, which focus' more on black entertainment, a site that I don't visit daily. But I was bored, and wanted to read some raunchy brain numbing news, about somebodies booty implant exploding or something of that nature... I came across a post about this movie, with the end of the post reading something like "Hollywood is destroying black families," or something close to that. I thought at was funny because that site is destroying black family with the crap they post normally. However I was still outrage, thinking Hollywood is doing it again... I was kind of upset, but since the content was disturbing, I wanted to watch it (it's something about disturbing content that makes you feel like you got to see it). It was nothing racist about this movie. I'm black, and I watched it with a white female, and I asked her if she feel differently about black families, if she felt that this happens in all black families and of course she said no. It was a disturbing movie, and the family just happened to be black, thats all. The family could have been white, or Asian, or mixed. Watching this movie was like watching the anime Death Note, disturbing. It wasn't a feel good movie, your not left happy or bubbly. It's twisted and it makes you think that issues discussed which were shown in this short are deeper then you think they are...
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