Where is Dave O'Brien when you need him?...
20 November 2011
I was expecting a much funnier Pete Smith Specialty short, the kind that usually featured Dave O'Brien and his skillful stunts and comic timing.

At least I was intrigued by the demonstration at the start of how to properly slice a Thanksgiving turkey, cutting it at the right angle and removing sections of bone that are in the way, etc. Fine and dandy.

Then we view the comic aspects of such an undertaking but with little really laughable results. It's all too obvious, having a sour looking table of relatives watch while a man makes mince meat of a turkey by cutting and struggling with it in as messy a way as possible.

The only real chuckles come from watching the expressions on the relative's faces as they accept the plates offered them, especially the bratty looking youngster who gets a piece of turkey skin on his face.

But the script needed a real funny man like Dave O'Brien to show us the wrong way to carve a turkey. He'd probably add additional funny stunts to the script. Then at least we'd have some genuine chuckles.

Instead, we have one of the weaker entries in the Pete Smith series.
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