Review of Sadko

Sadko (1953)
My review is ONLY for the English-language version.
20 November 2011
"Sadko" is a bizarre film--at least in the version I saw. Originally a Russian film, it was purchased, chopped to pieces and dubbed and it instantly became the English language film "The Magic Voyage of Sinbad"! Such strange practices were not unheard of during this era, as American-International did this with several Russian films during the 1960s. But, to try to hide its roots, all the Russian names were Americanized in the credits to try to hide its Russian heritage. My review is based only on the Westernized version--perhaps the original film was very good or the plot was totally different.

Sinbad ('Sadko') lives in a land where the people are enslaved and everything looks, wait--that's just because of the bad print. I wished they'd just called him Sadko, as the sets are quite fanciful--but also very Russian of about the 15th century. The result is that the appellation 'Sinbad' is just confusing--as is the plot. The film comes off as VERY talky and dull--and has absolutely nothing to do with Sinbad. It was so bad and so confusing that I eventually gave up watching it--something I rarely do.

So, it there anything worth seeing in this film? No.
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