The Walking Dead: Chupacabra (2011)
Season 2, Episode 5
Amazing moments, shocking scenes and a twist makes this episode great.
17 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Finally we see Daryl do some crazy s*** this episode. "Chupacabra" isn't the best episode of the season but it was still very entertaining. The season has really found it's momentum and is beginning to move forward if I am analyzing the ending of this episode right. By the way, I don't know if I'm alone here but this whole Sophia crap has to go. This whole storyline with Sophia DID NOT HAPPEN IN THE COMICS! So the question I must ask is, "Why would you waste our time with a character we really don't care about anyway!." Honestly, if Rick would listen to Shane and stop looking for this girl, I would feel sorry for less than a second and continue on. These writers have really screwed up with this stupid plot point - but I digress.

This episode mainly focused around Daryl and his brother Meryl. Even though Daryl sees his brother after a brutal injury by falling down a cliff, it was a real letdown that Meryl wasn't here at all. I was so hyped up for this episode because I thought Meryl would return and come after Rick and T-Dog. So yes I was a little disappointed with these "dream scenes." However, these scenes were key for Daryl's character and we finally see his anger being unleashed. When it was when he pulled an arrow out of his body or it was him limping back to the farm, we see some true changes to Daryl that will become incredibly interesting in the next couple of episodes.

There were a couple of holy s*** moments in this episode. The scene where Daryl takes out two zombies while injured was suspenseful and entertaining and when Adrien shoots Daryl because she believes he's a zombie was gut-wrenching. The reason why that particular scene was so amazing was because after she shot Daryl (with a sniper that had a glare in the scope mind you), it immediately went to commercial. I seriously thought Daryl died but he wasn't as the bullet barely hit his head. That was one of the most suspenseful moments in this season so far and I hope more of these moments come soon.

Awesome scenes and shocking "cliffhangers" aside, the side stories were pretty good as well. Glenn was trying to seduce Maggie yet again with the "I have six condoms left" sentence that sort of backfired on him until the end of the episode. The episode also showed more arguments between Rick and Shane. Shane believes that they should stop looking for Sophia (and I am 100% with him on this one) and Rick believes she is still alive. They only had one scene together that started out pleasant but then turned into an argument in the end. Lori is trying to keep her pregnancy away from Rick as Glenn thinks she should tell him. There was also a funny scene with Glenn and Dale if Lori and Adrien are on their periods - it wasn't needed but it was funny while it lasted.

The ending is shocking as we finally know that zombies are locked up in the barn. Now with this twist, it better succeed. I have a feeling that by looking at these characters who live on the farm are keeping those zombies in for a reason instead of killing them. Whatever the reason might be I just pray that the story at the farm ends next episode. We need to keep Season 2 going. This episode was great but "The Walking Dead" has this reputation of being slow. Now a lot of series do this (Breaking Bad, Mad Men) but they end up being fantastic seasons in the end. This twist better be played out great and get the group away from the farm peacefully or violently. And I want to see more damn zombies! I mean, this is a zombie show right? 9/10
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