South Park: Weight Gain 4000 (1997)
Season 1, Episode 2
"Beefcake, Beefcake!!!!"
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
An improvement over the first episode. Weight Gain 4000 mainly focuses on Mr. Garrison wanting revenge of Kathie Lee Gifford after he hears she's coming to South Park. This episode is also the first one to feature Mayor McDaniel who was a frequent character in earlier episodes.

Like the last episode, the pacing of this episode is slow... but that doesn't mean their isn't a lot of great humour. Officer Barbrady particularly stands out. Cartman's plot quest to become a 'beefcake' is also hilarious. His final scene stands out as the best in the whole episode.

Overall, this was another OK episode, though a noticeable improvement over the last one.

Best: - "But Moooooooom" - Basically any of Mr. Hat's lines. - "Get outta my ass you stupid rainbow!"
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