A doc everyone should see and one that no corporation wants to you think about
13 November 2011
Really don't understand the low ratings of this doc... I saw this several years ago and was touched by its creative message, the enlightenment to our insane consumer society, and if you don't think you are just a pawn of the oppressor then you ARE! Stop buying so much and invest in relationships and values! US has clearly lost it way and this doc points out they hypocrisy in modern consumerist America. Here are some more great docs for those who care: 1) Consuming Kids 2) Affluenza 3) Advertising and the end of the world 4) The Corporation 5) What a way to go: Life at the End of Empire

If you watch these you may be able to turn the tide on our social, moral, and environmental destruction... What would Jesus Buy? fits right in with them ... "We must become the change we want to see." Gandhi
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